43 research outputs found

    Complete Genome Sequence of a Variant Pyrrhula pyrrhula polyomavirus 1 Strain Isolated from White-Headed Munia (Lonchura maja)

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    A novel variant of finch polyomavirus has been identified and sequenced from a diseased white-headed munia (Lonchura maja)

    Fluctuation enhanced gas detector for wireless sensor networks

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    Spontaneously produced Unfilled Pauses (UPs) andFilled Pauses (FPs) were played to subjects in an fMRI experiment. While both stimuli resulted in increased activity in the Primary Auditory Cortex, FPs, unlike UPs, also elicited modulation in the Supplementary Motor Area, Brodmann Area 6. This observation provides neurocognitive confirmation of the oft-reported difference between FPs and other kinds of speech disfluency and also could provide a partial explanation for the previously reported beneficial effect of FPs on reaction times in speech perception. The results are discussed in the light of the suggested role of FPs as floor-holding devices in human polylogs

    Response of the neurovascular unit to brain metastatic breast cancer cells

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    Therapeutic resistance of cerebral secondary tumours largely depends on unique aspects linked to the neurovascular unit, especially cerebral endothelial cells and astrocytes. By using advanced microscopy techniques, here we explored novel mechanisms related to the neurovascular unit during extravasation and proliferation of triple negative breast cancer cells in the brain. Metastatic mammary carcinoma cells arrested and elongated within one hour in cerebral microvessels, but their number decreased by almost 80% in the first two days. Interestingly, malignant cells induced vasoconstriction and development of intraluminal endothelial plugs, which isolated invading cells from the circulation. During diapedesis - which usually took place on day four and five after inoculation of the tumour cells - continuity of cerebral endothelial tight junctions remained intact, indicating migration of cancer cells through the transcellular pathway. In addition, metastatic cells induced formation of multiluminal vessels and claudin-5-positive endothelial blebs. However, even severe endothelial blebbing could be reversed and the vessel morphology was restored shortly after the tumour cells completed transendothelial migration. Similar to neuro-inflammatory leukocytes, tumour cells migrated not only through the endothelial layer, but through the glia limitans perivascularis as well. Nevertheless, along with the growth of metastatic lesions by co-option of pre-existing capillaries, astrocytes and astrocyte end-feet were gradually expelled from the vessels to the border of the tumour. Taken together, we identified previously unknown mechanisms involved in the reaction of brain resident cells to invading breast cancer cells. Our results contribute to a better understanding of the complex cross-talk between tumour cells and host cells in the brain, which is essential for the identification of new therapeutic targets in this devastating disease

    Paracellular and transcellular migration of metastatic cells through the cerebral endothelium

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    Breast cancer and melanoma are among the most frequent cancer types leading to brain metastases. Despite the unquestionable clinical significance, important aspects of the development of secondary tumours of the central nervous system are largely uncharacterized, including extravasation of metastatic cells through the blood-brain barrier. By using transmission electron microscopy, here we followed interactions of cancer cells and brain endothelial cells during the adhesion, intercalation/incorporation and transendothelial migration steps. We observed that brain endothelial cells were actively involved in the initial phases of the extravasation by extending filopodia-like membrane protrusions towards the tumour cells. Melanoma cells tended to intercalate between endothelial cells and to transmigrate by utilizing the paracellular route. On the other hand, breast cancer cells were frequently incorporated into the endothelium and were able to migrate through the transcellular way from the apical to the basolateral side of brain endothelial cells. When co-culturing melanoma cells with cerebral endothelial cells, we observed N-cadherin enrichment at melanoma-melanoma and melanoma-endothelial cell borders. However, for breast cancer cells N-cadherin proved to be dispensable for the transendothelial migration both in vitro and in vivo. Our results indicate that breast cancer cells are more effective in the transcellular type of migration than melanoma cells

    Nemzetközi Rendészeti Figyelő III.

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    Recensions of foreign special literature, made by students of the Doctoral School of Law Enforcement, call attention to several papers which present coherences coming seldom into the interest circle of law enforcement literature. The presentation of the policeman in fiction books and its effect on acceptance of law enforcement by the society belong absolutely to this special category. The criminalistic approach of the protection of wildlife, that can support ecoconcious perspective of behaviour, is similarly special. The COVID-19 world pandemics is further a constant topic of law enforcement, but in a new approach, as it gives a warning on contradictions between special legal order and the protection of human rights. Beside exceptional topics you can read about recurrent questions of law enforcement literature, the general preventive effects of punishment, the newest forms of zero tolerance strategy, the consequences of militarisation of law enforcement, legal consequences replacing traditional criminal prosecution, or about algorithms forecasting dangers of violent actions.A Rendészettudományi Doktori Iskola hallgatói által készített recenziók a külföldi szakirodalomból több olyan tanulmányra hívják fel a figyelmet, amelyek – a hagyományos témák mellett – olyan összefüggésekre mutatnak rá, melyek ritkán kerülnek a rendvédelmi szakirodalom érdeklődési körébe. A rendőr személyiségének szépirodalmi ábrázolása, és annak a rendészeti igazgatás társadalmi elfogadottságára gyakorolt hatása feltétlenül ebbe a kivételezett tartományba sorolható. Hasonlóan egyedi a vadvilág védelmének kriminológiai megközelítése, ami hozzájárulhat a környezettudatos magatartás erősödéséhez. A COVID-19 világjárvány továbbra is visszatérő tematikája a rendészetnek, azonban ezúttal új megközelítésben, mert a különleges jogrend és az emberi jogok védelme között feszülő ellentmondásokról kapunk figyelmeztetést. A kivételek mellett olvashatunk a rendészeti szakirodalom visszatérő kérdéseiről, a büntetések általános megelőzést szolgáló hatásairól, a zéró tolerancia stratégiájának legújabb megjelenéseiről, a rendészet militarizálódásának következményeiről, a hagyományos büntető felelősségre vonást helyettesítő jogkövetkezményekről, avagy az erőszakos cselekmények veszélyeit előre jelző algoritmusokról

    Phase separated ribosome-nascent chain complexes in genotoxic stress response

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    Assemblysomes are EDTA- and RNase-resistant ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes of paused ribosomes with protruding nascent polypeptide chains. They have been described in yeast and human cells for the proteasome subunit Rpt1, and the disordered N-terminal part of the nascent chain was found to be indispensable for the accumulation of the Rpt1-RNP into assemblysomes. Motivated by this, to find other assemblysome-associated RNPs we used bioinformatics to rank subunits of Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein complexes according to their N-terminal disorder propensity. The results revealed that gene products involved in DNA repair are enriched among the top candidates. The Sgs1 DNA helicase was chosen for experimental validation. We found that indeed nascent chains of Sgs1 form EDTA-resistant RNP condensates, assemblysomes by definition. Moreover, upon exposure to UV, SGS1 mRNA shifted from assemblysomes to polysomes, suggesting that external stimuli are regulators of assemblysome dynamics. We extended our studies to human cell lines. The BLM helicase, ortholog of yeast Sgs1, was identified upon sequencing assemblysome-associated RNAs from the MCF7 human breast cancer cell line, and mRNAs encoding DNA repair proteins were overall enriched. Using the radiation-resistant A549 cell line, we observed by transmission electron microscopy that 1,6-hexanediol, an agent known to disrupt phase-separated condensates, depletes ring ribosome structures compatible with assemblysomes from the cytoplasm of cells and makes the cells more sensitive to X-ray treatment. Taken together these findings suggest that assemblysomes may be a component of the DNA damage response from yeast to human